John Drehobl
"I have an eclectic background, including two branches of military, law enforcement, undercover surveillance and investigations, teaching, MRI physics, public relations and professional writing/editing. My education includes Degrees in Criminal Justice, Journalism, Earth and Space Science, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Hypnotherapy, and Graduate Level Studies in Psychology.
I experienced paranormal phenomena early in life, in a home that sat on ground with an “interesting” history. I exhibited discernment, clairaudience, and other "Gifts" there, even as a child, and have strived to understand and use them in service to others ever since.
While stationed in Hawaii… a very “active” place, supernaturally speaking, I experienced far too many events and encounters to rationally dismiss or avoid, and I’ve been studying the paranormal ever since. My goals are to examine and explain cases where scientific, objective evidence can be found, but to first and foremost help people caught up in these events and phenomena in every way possible. I've been an active member of American Paranormal Investigations for over 11 years, and I am still grateful and excited to be a part of this highly respected, well-trained, and experienced Team."